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Most of the current discussions on linkedin, facebook, are in English. Heres a short summary of our position.
OK - ECM is dead!
But Content Services is no good replacement or successor although AIIM, Forrester, Gartner, IBM and others try to position it as the new direction of the industry in 2017.
Content Services is about technology and functionality and not about strategies and methods. It has no vision, it is not sexy at all. The term is a step backwards. The term is used in the web content & marketing industry for service offerings to create or distribute content. The term leads the industry to a niche, a backwater. ECM always had the ambition to be as important as acronym like ERP, CRM, HR, PLM ... and now content services? Content Services is not the banner for rallying to reach future goals. The idea of services as information management infrastructure always has been part of the ECM model. Nothing new, but now only covering a small part of the overall scope of the original ECM definition. Content Services degrades ECM to a small infrastructure piece of technology. Will we reach management attention with potential buyers with content services? Will content services be on the lists of strategic goals and priorities when investing into digital transformation? Do content services - with their three specifities - have any innovative idea, new function or new benefit? Will there be any interest in joining a kind of AIIM "Content Services Master Courses"? Forget about Content Services - even the "definitions" do not fit (on one hand they talk about "services" combinded with the term "applications" - there are big differences in information architecture and layer models).
And ... ECM will not vanish immediatly but will continue to stay around for a long while.
Lets better talk about "Information Management". We need Information Governance and no Content Governance. There are associations like AIIM Association for "Intelligent" Information Management, there is the CIP Certified Information Professional, there are universities with institutes, scholars and education for information management, there is scientific literature and a broad understanding. Information Management bridges the gap between structured data and unstructured content. We are living in the information age. We are the information society. And Information Management ist needed to deal with the rising flood of data.