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#iDPD17 International Digital Preservation Day 2017Heute am 30.11.2017 ist der erste "International Digital Preservation Day" (#iDPD17).

"Digital Prerservation" entspricht der "Langzeitarchivierung", besser jedoch ohne Pleonasmus als "Archivierung" im Sinne des Bundesarchivgesetzes.
Ein Thema ist auch Web-Archivierung. Hier sehen professionelle Archivorganisationen massive Gefährdung der Verfügbarkeit. Ein Großteil des frühen Internets ist bereits verloren. Dabei geht es gar nicht einmal um einzelne Webseiten sondern um das Gesamtbild der Entwicklung von Internet und Web. Bereits 2003 hatten wir bei PROJECT CONSULT vor der offenen Flanke der elektronischen Archivierung (Teil 1; Teil 2 gewarnt.

PROJECT CONSULT archiviert seit Jahren ihre alten Webpräsenzen - und zwar voll lauffähig alle Versionen seit 1998.


Digital Preservation Coalition und der #iDPD17

Interessant ist die vom dpc und anderen Organisationen veröffentlichte Liste "gefährdeter Formate":  Wer diese Formate noch sein eigen nennt, sollte schnellstmöglich diese konvertieren und archivieren! Die meisten der erwähnten Formate sind jedoch noch gar nicht in Archive gelangt. Aber bei vielen "Exoten" ist es schon heute notwendig diese zu konvertieren und zu migrieren. Richtig verbindliche Aussagen macht die "Bit List of Endangered Species" jedoch nicht.

dpc Bit List endangered formats

Lower Risk

Digital materials are listed as Lower Risk when it does not meet the requirements for other categories but where there is a distinct preservation requirement.  Failure or removal of the preservation function would result in re-classification to one of the threatened categories.

Keine Einträge in diesem Jahr


Digital materials are listed as Vulnerable when the technical challenges to preservation are modest but responsibility for care is poorly understood, or where the responsible agencies are not meeting preservation needs. This classification includes Lower Risk materials in the presence of aggravating conditions.

Materials Posted to Current Web-based Social Media Platforms or Equivalents (Facebook posts, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messages, SnapChat Messages, Slack Channels, Online political campaigns, Blogs and blog comments, Online discussion fora, Online communities)

Aggravating conditions: lack of preservation capacity in supplier; lack of preservation commitment at or incentive for social media companies; dependence on proprietary products or formats; poor management of data protection; inaccessibility to web archiving services; political or commercial interference; lack of offline equivalent; encryption; infrequent access; conflation of preservation and access; political or commercial interference. 


Digital materials are listed Endangered when they face material technical challenges to preservation or responsibility for care is poorly understood, or where the responsible agencies are poorly equipped to meet preservation needs. This classification includes Vulnerable materials in the presence of aggravating conditions.

Born Digital Photos and Video Shared on Social Media or Uploaded to Cloud Services (Flickr, Vimeo, YouTube, Instagram, Periscope, DropBox, Facebook)

Aggravating conditions: lack of preservation capacity in provider; lack of explicit preservation commitment or incentive from provider to preserve; lack of storage replication by provider; dependence on proprietary products or formats; poor management of data protection; inaccessibility to web archiving services; political or commercial interference; lack of offline equivalent; over-abundance; poorly managed intellectual property rights; lossy compression applied in upload scripts.

Critically endangered

Digital materials are listed Critically Endangered when they face material technical challenges to preservation, there are no agencies responsible for them or those agencies are unwilling or unable to meet preservation needs. This classification includes Endangered materials in the presence of aggravating conditions.

Born Digital Images Held Offline on Portable Storage Devices (Family or personal photos; Photo archives of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME))

Aggravating conditions: dependence on obsolete or proprietary formats or processes; single copies; no archival function; lack of preservation capacity; lack of skills; single points of failure; lack of clear stewardship or sense of ownership old or obsolete media; lack of refreshment plan; lack or loss of documentation; overabundance; primary storage is camera or phone.

Practically Extinct

Digital materials are listed as Practically Extinct when the few known examples are inaccessible by most practical means and methods.  This classification includes Critically Endangeredmaterials in the presence of aggravating conditions.

Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services (Prestel, Minitel, VidiTel and Videotex NL, Alex, BelTel, FidoNet, Videotext etc.)

Aggravating Conditions: Lack of understanding; structure of information silos; Lack or loss of documentation; Uncertainty about intellectual property rights; Lack of funding or impetus.


Digital materials are listed as of Concern when an active member of the digital preservation community has expressed a legitimate concern but the concern has not yet been assessed by the BitList jury.  They will be assessed for inclusion in the subsequent year.

Items of Concern (PDF; Websites containing Flash; Email services; Data posted to defunct or little-used social media platforms; GeoMagnetic Data; Pre-production TV and Movie materials; Pension, mortgage and insurance records; Medical records; Architectural and engineering data.)

How the Bit List works | #iDPD17

Die Liste wird einmal jährlich überarbeitet und enthält Hinweise, welche Aktivitäten notwendig sind, um die langzeitige Verfügbarkeit und Nutzbarkeit sicherzustellen.